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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Some Things I Think Are True

by Susan Moore

1. Peanut butter is more important than manna. It sustains 13 year old boys and can be used for gourmet cooking as well. (try two or three heaping tablespoonsful in a hot and spicy vegetable stew or add a few teaspoonsful to soy sauce with Chinese hot sauce for a satay dip)
2. BP cleaning up the Gulf is comparable to holding back the tide with a sand castle on the beach. Admirable effort but they're lying if they say they'll get it all.
3. The war in Iraq should never have been started. And if started should have ended five years ago. Dead soldiers don't add up to a "good war"...they just remain dead soldiers who died following orders.
4. The war in Afghanistan cannot be won. Ask the Russians, and anyone else who ever fought those hardy people. The only real help for Afghanistan is for every woman to deliver still born sons and living daughters. The Islamic extremist government would soon die out.
5. "W" was the worst president the U.S.A. ever had (or probably ever will have). He was rude, crude, stubborn, and hopeless with every form of communication. He took a large surplus and created an enormous debt.
6. I don't care who/what his predecessor slept with, that is his wife's business. At least we weren't a)in a war...much less two and b)we had a budget SURPLUS! imagine that!!
7. Having said what I did about "W"...he's an easy target. The real president was his veep anyway. And he channels very bad people.
8. Since I am at work this is enough for now. Thank goodness for slow periods and computers to amuse me.
9. Always put some cinnamon in your flour dredge for fried chicken.
10. If you choose to pray/do ritual/chant/acknowledge a higher power...think of world peace.

1 comment:

  1. You're right, "W" is too easy of a target. I am guessing that the computer at work was still logged in as me, as the post credits me with authorship (and, although sleepy, I am fairly sure I didn't write it).
    The credit for this post should read
    by "Susan Moore"
