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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Things I Am Pretty Sure Are True

1. There is no such thing as too much chocolate.
2. Adding hot spices to chocolate is a good thing.
3. The ERA should have passed (it hasn't) but things are better for women than they were forty years ago (with some horrendous exceptions).
4. For examples of the above...a woman can become a police officer, firefighter, or combat pilot. Which means she can die on the job just like any man. However, she will have to submit to humiliations that no man would stand for. Women can also become priest, pastor, minister in most religious organizations. The exception (of course) relates to the fundamentalist/tradition bound organizations. Just think how many fewer cases of sexual abuse of altar boys there would be if half of the RC priesthood were female!? Just a thought.
5. Texting on a cell phone while doing anything else requiring attention is beyond ignorant (all the way to ludicrous).
6. If someone cannot cook an egg perfectly they are not a chef.
7. A smear of sauce, two tiny lamb chops, two baby carrots, and a pearl onion is NOT an entree. Anyone serving same (and charging $20+) should be arrested for fraud.
8. There is no such thing as a size 0 woman. Zero is nothing. Get over having to have an actual number as your dress size.
9. The new advertisement for Nivea 3 in 1 shows a man in a shower allegedly performing routine grooming with their product. It includes him shaving his chest as if this is to be expected. Listen guys...most women (and gay men as well I think) like a hairy chest. Maybe not bearlike, maybe no back hair, but hair on a chest, yes. Vive le difference!
10. Guantanamo Bay was never designed to hold "detainees". Close it already. You promised Sir. It was one of the reasons I voted for you.
11. Small towns/counties can be extremely poor but still provide their sheriffs with extremely expensive SUV's. Can we say negligent? fraudulent? unnecessary? Criminal? If the streets haven't been repaved in 60 years and the water is non-potable, shouldn't those issues come before the said Sheriff's fancy wheels? Just a thought.
12. Biscuits should always be served fresh from the oven with butter, not margarine.
13. We are all responsible for the dearth of education in the schools and manners on the road.
14. If there are too many infomercials on the cable/dish we are paying for...stop paying.

1 comment:

  1. RE #5: I text whenever the mood/thought strikes me. I like travelling at ludicrous speed. I also enjoy my attention being split, keeps me sane. This is also not a denial. - Beyond the Ignorant Thunderdome. Incidentally, was the "thunderdome" actually Tina's "bra"?
